RHS Kaiarataki — Apr 2, 2023

The Riccarton Way is the spirit, the wairua that underpins the way we think, act and feel about ourselves, others at the school and those in our local and international community.

By emphasising the key values of commitment, honesty, respect and excellence, the school ultimately promotes a caring, supportive learning culture focused on progress and achievement. Each month we will have information and updates from our 4 whare: Atatū, Whaiao, Kōtuhi and Uranga.

Atatū whare news:

The Atatū whare has had such a great term, and have continued to show a real commitment to the Riccarton Way. I want to take a moment to thank this year's Atatū Council members for putting themselves forward for the role, and sharing their kairangi with our whare.

A huge congratulations, too, to AME for being the first whānau class in the school to get everyone's work day money in. We are so immensely proud of you all. The Atatū whare really values manaakitanga and care to others, and you have stepped up and done an amazing job. I can't wait to hear about your pizza lunch celebration next term.

Have a safe, fun and fulfilling holiday period and we will see you all next term. 

Miss Cording and Miss Bell. 

Uranga whare news:

The Uranga whare has had a great term - we have enjoyed getting to know new leaders and new staff. It's been great welcoming new students to our whānau classes and the whare council.

We want to take a moment to thank this year's Uranga Council members for putting themselves forward for the role, and sharing their kairangi with our whare. Watch this space for an Uranga lead kura event soon!

Enjoy the break - looking forward to next term.

Trotty & Matua Ramon.

Whaiao whare news:

It has been a fabulous term with so many great events returning to the calendar now that the COVID-19 disruptions have settled. We've loved seeing everyone participate and having fun.

Over the last few weeks, the process of creating our Whaiao council has taken place and it was humbling to read so many applications from Whaiao students wanting to step up and help run our whare events. Congratulations to the 14 students selected for Whaiao Council. It will be an exciting year together.

Have a wonderful term break recharging your batteries. 

See you next term, Mrs Bell and Mrs Kenton

Kōtuhi whare News:

Kōtuhi had an amazing time on Gala Day and are delighted to have received the most whare points from this event! Ka rawe!

Kōtuhi Council

We have finalised our whare council and are delighted to congratulate the following students Shona Beedie, Khizar Abbas, Sofia Costas, Alfred Marquez, Simon Lim, Sammy Reed, Thomas Essenberg, Thanoshika Koneswaran, Jenna McIlroy and our whare technician Jonathon McFie. We can't wait to see what you achieve this year, lead by Aashma, Isaac, Leah and Mackenzie.