Lorna Biddington — Jun 2, 2021

While Ms. Couling is on leave enjoying this special time, Lorna Biddington (EAL teacher and International academic Advisor) will be in part-time to support the International team.

Firstly, we must congratulate our International Director, Ms. Couling on the birth of her beautiful daughter. 

 Although the border is closed, many agents are requesting promotional material. A big shout-out must go to the RHS MAD team who have been supporting International with this. Recently, our two of our lovely Vietnamese students Eddie and Lewis starred in a video outlining to our Vietnamese community how amazing Riccarton High is. 

We are very lucky to have such a professional media and design team. 

Many of our students also supported the International Peer support leaders in our recent International languages week. It was wonderful to hear many different languages spoken around the school.