Hero photograph
Photo by Jill Turnbull

Kohanga Ako students at Kokiri camp

Cheyenne Sim, Hayley Butler and Amy Zhang —

The following reports are written by some of our Kohanga Ako students about their time at the Kokiri  Lodge.

Report by Cheyenne Sim

We went to Kokiri by the train. It took four and a half hours.

We finally go to Kokiri where we got introduced to four instructors: Zana, Kyle, Becca and Alex.

We played heaps of games. On the second night Cheyenne, Zana, New, Mrs Leishman, Mr Mac, Kyle and Georgia went to see a million glow worms.

At camp there were two bunkrooms. One for the girls and one for the boys. We had marshmallows at the camp fire.

I loved camp and I will go again next time.

Report by Hayley Butler and Amy Zhang  

At Kokiri we did some walking in the forest. We got mud on our shoes.

When we got to Kokiri Camp there were two bunkrooms. Girls and boys sleep in each room and staff too.

We played some games at Kokiri Camp. We did some rope climbing at camp. It was fun and we took a lot of group photos.

We had tea at camp, some burgers and potatoes. We had a fantastic time at camp.

We slept two nights at camp. Olivia and Hayley Butler snore on camp.

In one game the ball hit Hayley on the head. There was a bonfire and we did singing with a guitar.

We came home from camp on the train and (were meant to) arrived at 6.00pm.

We had a good time on camp and it was fun.

The staff would like to acknowledge the wonderful team of instructors at Kokiri who so quickly formed positive relationships with our students. We would also like to especially thank Mr Dave McKenzie who accompanied us – he helped the Kohanga Ako staff to relax and enjoy the Camp Kokiri experience!