Mana Toroa
Nau Mai ki te tau hou! This Executive committee has started off strong this year.
We have a Senior Student Hui on the 3rd of Huitangaru (February) which featured a guest speaker, Anton Matthews, a well known Māori business owner and ambassador for Te ao and Te reo Māori.
His main message was not to compromise being Māori anywhere, but to embrace our heritage.
We then had elections for the other positions in our committee. This year’s committee members are:
Stevie Kingi - Kaihautū
Kalani Wilson - Kaihautū
Zion Edwards - Poutoko
Peggy Tombs - Liaison
Mia Robinson and Avalon Te Haara-Barr - Media and Publicity
Awatea Daly and Jorgia Panirau - Event Managers
Jess McMillian - Secretary
We are very excited and lucky to have such an awesome group of taiohi (young people) for the Māori student body.
Our second event for the year was our whole school Māori ākonga hui which was held on Wednesday 26th Huitangaru.
There was an amazing turn out with approximately 100 ākonga attending including the Manukura from each Whare (House). The wairua was positive and inclusive!
One of our main ambitions this year as a collective is for all ākonga to feel confident and comfortable in Te Ao Māori.
We aim to keep building a positive and inclusive environment for our whole community (staff, students and whānau) in all spaces in the kura.
Hui tātou ka tū, Wehewehe tātou ka hinga!
United we stand, divided we fall.