Jessica Leary, 11HB — Sep 22, 2017

The Riccarton Way Committee is a great opportunity for those who want to be more involved in how the Riccarton Way is presented throughout the school. 

We have students from all year levels, each person bringing their own ideas and opinions to the group. 

Our group this year has aimed to bring about new ways to promote the Riccarton Way each term. 

With the help of our committee leader, Aiden Morris, as well as Ms Heald, we were able to create whanau time activities relating to our values, create kahoots, and start the junior service program, as well as speaking in assemblies and making use of the screens around the school for advertising.

During Term 2, we decided to start a project about service based on our school motto, “Learn That You May Be Of Service”. 

This would involve the Junior classes getting involved in helping a charity, clean up a beach etc. 

Our aim was to give the Juniors an opportunity to take control and practice their leadership skills, which will help them in the future if they want to be part of a committee or become a prefect in Year 13. 

They were free to decide what they wanted to do as a class and able to organise the transportation and finance to suit the class. 

To help the classes get a further idea of what is expected of you as a leader, we organised Billy Osteen from the University of Canterbury, to come and speak to the Junior classes during one of our assemblies. 

He gave an amazing speech about what it takes to be a leader, and the opportunities that service can give to us as students.

So far, majority of the Junior classes have either completed their service, or are in the progress of completing it. 

We are very pleased with how this project is going and it has been great to see so many Juniors getting involved, as well as taking part in their chosen service. 

We are looking forward to receiving feedback and seeing the results of this project, once every class has completed it.