Sally Blake — Feb 22, 2021

Our fantastic Joint Use Library has been super busy with student orientation this term. Hopefully all students have a library card now, if they don't please pop in to see Ms Blake or Miss Howie in the Library.

Check out all the events and clubs on in the Library,

Judge a Book by its Cover - Book Speed Dating for Teens
Friday 12 March, 3pm - 4.30pm
They tell you ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’? Well we take it back! Come and take a deeper look at our Young Adult Rainbow reads. Judge books based on their covers! Who knows, you might even make a love connection with a truly amazing book!

Zine Club
Tuesday after school in LC2. All crafty bits you need supplied and Miss Howie on hand to help.

Chess Club
Tuesday lunchtime in LC2. Chess boards and clocks all there for you to use, plus some students to teach you how to play.

Rubik's Cube Club
Tuesday lunchtime in LC2. Bring your own Rubik's Cube or have a go on the Library cubes. Students on hand to teach you if you would like to learn.

Knitting and Crochet Club
Friday after school in LC3. Bring along your project or start a new one. Knitting needles, crochet hooks and wool all provided plus there is always someone on hand to teach you if you are new or if you need a hand with your project.

Warhammer Club
Monday after school in LC3. Come along and join in, or pop by to see what it is all about. The Club plays Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, and a variety of Games Workshop specialist games.

Device Free Friday
Friday lunchtime in LC2. Come along and play board games, cards, do jigsaw puzzles, craft and colouring. If there is a game we don't have that you think we should, do let Miss Howie or Ms Blake know.

Reframe Wānanga courses

Young people are invited to enrol in upcoming courses, workshops and events to support mental health and wellbeing. Everything is free to attend and open to young people aged 13-25 and their support people.

These social events are about connecting with others, spending time outdoors getting active, and being around animals – all of which are great tools for wellbeing!

In March courses include:

To enrol – head to the website