Hero photograph
Photo by Lou Heenan

Visit to Hamilton Jet

Lou Heenan —

On Tuesday 29 June, 8 Year 12 and 13 students got the opportunity to visit Hamilton Jet along with three students from Cashmere High School.

Grant Cameron from Hamilton Jet gave the students a presentation on how Hamilton Jet started, how global the business is, and what sort of opportunities are available there.

Students also heard from a University of Canterbury Engineering graduate who now at Hamilton Jet who was able to tell them about his role and why he chose to study engineering. 

Students then toured the factory where they got to talk to employees and see things like the fitting and turning, working with the different tools and how the blast furnaces work.

It was a fantastic opportunity for students to see how a global company like Hamilton Jet operates and what skills and qualifications you need to get a job there. 

A huge thank you to Grant Cameron for organising such an excellent opportunity for our students.

Image by: Lou Heenan

Image by: Lou Heenan