Hero photograph
Photo by Orohaki

Orohaki Update

Rebecca Nicholson —

Along with an extensive amount of planning, we have also had a couple of super productive working bees up at Orohaki (our very own outdoor education facility) - getting ready for our 2022 camps to start.

In the very first instance we are excited to announce that we have an amazing new team running Orohaki this year.  Anna Eade is our Camp Manager and joining Anna are Danelle Kelliher and Jack Hawkins, as our two instructors.

Anna has planned an exciting outdoor education programme for 2022, and along with some of the all-time favourite activities there will be some new challenges for our students to embrace.

Anna and her team have been busy sorting and readying all the essentials, including wetsuits, helmets, sleeping bags, packs, bows & arrows, bikes and all the supplementary gear required for successful tramping, camping, canyoning, archery, mountain biking and so much more.

During our working bee we extended the low ropes course to add new confidence-building activities for students. The mountain bike track has been cleared and readied for our students to tackle. We have built a new shed to house all of the equipment for the outdoor games, and we have built new cubbies for students to store their gear in their bunkroom.

We look forward to seeing all of our year 9 and 10s up at Orohaki.