Philippa Rendall — Apr 11, 2017

The Learning Support team are happy to help with any queries, study support or tuition. If you are concerned about your child, or feel s/he needs more support, please contact the school.

Learning Support is located in B Block. The Learning Support office/staffroom is on the right as you come into the building behind Mr Biddick’s sports office. There are also classrooms (B3 and B5), a tutor room and a Learning Support room (B2) in this area.

There are several staff involved in Learning Support across the school:  Ms Hemmingsen is the Learning Support co-ordinator and Literacy support teacher for Years 9 and 10, and Ms Rendall is the Learning Support Co-ordinator and Literacy support teacher for Years 11 - 13; Mrs Blake supports some students with Literacy; and Mr Gallagher is the Mathematics support teacher. Ms Hawes supports Gifted and Talented students, and works from H3. Our teacher aides Mrs Russell, Mr Bolger, Mrs Andrews and Mrs Stocks also support students and classes across the school.

We are all happy to help with any queries, study support or tuition.

If you are concerned about your child, or feel s/he needs more support, please contact the Dean, email Michelle Hemmingsen, or Philippa Rendall, , or call us on: 348 5073, ext.844.

Learning Support Information

If you have information and/or reports concerning your child, please send direct to the Learning Support Co-coordinator, so that all staff can be informed of learning needs, and work to support your child as effectively as possible. Mrs Hemmingsen and Ms Rendall, the Learning Support Co-ordinators, ( , or or ph. 348 5073, ext.844) are happy to meet parents to discuss student needs, and outline our systems and possible available supports.

Student Learning Support.

Any students who need support with difficult subjects or topics, who need to catch up work missed through absence, or who need support with assessment tasks, should first discuss their concerns with their subject teacher or Dean. They could also see Ms Rendall or Mrs Hemmingsen, leave a note at the Learning Support area, or e-mail or call into the Learning Support area to see one of the staff.

Computer and study rooms are available in the library after school until 4:00pm.

In the senior school, tutorials offer the opportunity to complete work, with support and assistance where available.

What support is available?

Special Assessment Conditions (SACs)

Any students who qualify, or may qualify, for assessment assistance (such as extra time or Reader/Writer, or use of a computer) must be screened for their needs. Senior students needing SAC for assessments should have trialled this support in the junior school, and applications for this year‘s NCEA have already been completed. Late applications can be made if we have strong evidence of need. Junior students will be screened for SAC support during the year. If you wish to start this process for your child, or to discuss this process, please contact Ms Rendall or Mrs Hemmingsen.

Information has been given to teachers for all current SAC students, and Ms Rendall will meet with senior SAC students regularly in tutorial time this term.