Library News
RHS Book Club meets twice a term and has a lot of fun hanging out on beanbags, chatting books, and maybe eating the odd sweet treat. Here is a list of the books we talked about at our May catch up.
Pizza Challenge is back and open to Year9 and Year10. Students read seven books and earn a free pizza. What is not to like. If you haven't heard about this yet, or don't have a 'pizza wheel', pop into the library and see Ms Blake or Miss Howie.
Culture Exchange - A new free group is starting in the library on Thursdays, for anyone who would like to come along and practice their English, make new friends, meet people, and learn about NZ culture. This is open to anyone and it is free.
Korean Book Club - meets the second Friday of every month at 6pm here in the Library. Anyone is welcome and it is free. Do pop along and share your ideas with other Korean speakers who love books.
Matariki will be celebrated at school with activities and classes, and in the library with craft and story times.