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Week 7 Happenings

Carole Lake —

We would like to remind our students and their parents/caregivers of two important events happening in week 7 of this Term.

Student Achievement Interview Day (SAID)

Our second SAID for the year will be held on Tuesday, 6 September from 9am until 7pm (Kohanga Ako will hold theirs on Monday, 5 September). Bookings went live at the end of week 3 so please make sure you check your email inbox for the details.

Formative External Assessment Time (FEAT)

This year there are only a handful of subjects that have requested a timeslot for classes to come together in the hall to practise for the end of year exams. All other subjects and levels will be doing this in their normal two-hour periods throughout the year. These assessments are important as they provide students with an idea of how they are progressing towards the exams but also it provides a derived grade if an aegrotat is needed in the event of illness etc on the day of the end of year exams. The following subjects will be involved in FEAT:

Level 1: English, Geography, History, Economics

Level 2: English, Geography, History

Level 3: Geography

Please note: The schedule and further information was emailed to students and parents at the beginning of week 4.