Hero photograph
Photo by Amie Blackwell

Reports sent home for all students at the end of Term 2

Shane Morrow —

On Friday 9 July we will email out Achievement Reports for all students.

These include:

For Year 9 and 10 students: 

  • Skills and knowledge achievement results for each subject.
  • A summary of standardized testing results for reading, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and mathematics. Where we have data, this summary will include results from Year 8 onwards so that whānau can track progress.

For Year 11 to 13 students: 

  • A summary of NCEA credits entered and any credits gained so far. 
  • Results for any completed internally assessed NCEA standards in each subject.
  • Progress results for standards which will be assessed later in the year.

These reports will use students’ preferred names (rather than their legal names). This is in line with a directive from the Ministry of Education that schools need to allow students “the right to determine their own identity and name” and the Board of Trustees’ Student Preferred Names Policy. 

From 2021, students’ preferred names will appear on school documents including: student timetables, school and class rolls, school reports, certificates and awards presented by the school. 

Students’ legal names are still required to be used sometimes when we communicate with outside agencies such as NZQA (e.g., for NCEA qualifications) and the Ministry of Education (e.g., for enrolments).

Parents and caregivers are reminded that attendance and achievement data can be viewed any time through the parent portal: https://parents.riccarton.school.nz/index.php/home?web=1

We follow up our Term Two reports with a Student Achievement Interview Day on Wednesday 1 September. 

Further details about this, and how to book, are elsewhere in this newsletter.