Hero photograph

Riccarton High School trip to Japan, 2018

Vanessa Ye (13CS) and Catylin Roberts (13BA) —

On the 14th of April, 11 year 12 and year 13 students and two language teachers journeyed to a country very foreign to our own, Japan.

The adventure first began in Japan’s most populated city, Tokyo. 

During the first few days in Tokyo, we experienced the dual identity of the city, by discovering amongst the towering buildings with neon lights and bustling crowds, idyllic shrines could be hiding. 

Before arriving in Hiroshima on the bullet train, we got to have a glimpse of Japan’s iconic peak, Mt Fuji. 

At the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park we were able to grasp the first-hand effects of the detonation of a nuclear bomb, as well as the aftermath the city and country experienced. 

Continuing our trip we journeyed to Kyoto. The traditionally built buildings lined the street and lead to the incomparable Himeji castle, which was built in 1609. 

The best part of the trip was left for the end where we were hosted by our sister school, Takefu Higashi High School. 

Living in a Japanese home was a special and challenging experience for all of us. 

Going to school in Japan and experiencing the long days of school was a real eye-opener and enabled us to learn and practice our Japanese. 

The kindness from the school staff who accepted us into their classes and host families who had cared for us left us all unwilling to leave. 

Tears were shed as we boarded our bullet train, leaving our host families behind, but the strong friendships and memories we made will be remembered. 

Overall, this trip had been a real rollercoaster packed full of smiles, laughter, panic from almost missing a train and sadness. 

This trip would not have been possible without the two teachers who guided us and we are all very grateful to have been able to share so many memories with them.