David McKenzie — Nov 11, 2015

Junior Workday will take place on Friday 27 November, with the proceeds going towards purchasing a commercial washing machine and chiller, in addition to updating activities gear for Kokiri Lodge.

Kokiri camp is a unique outdoor education experience and is overwhelmingly the highlight of the school year for many students.

The target sum per student is $25. We encourage every student to meet the target. As an extra incentive, there will be a number of rewards on offer. To be eligible for prizes, money must be in on or before Friday 2 December.

Level 1 prizes: All who make the target sum will go into the draw for a $25 Westfield Riccarton voucher. We will be giving 20 vouchers away.

Level 2 prizes: The top two junior students will receive $100 Westfield Riccarton vouchers each.

Form class prize: The first form class with all their monies in and students accounted for, will receive a free lunch in the final week of school.

Each student is to find their own work. Some ideas could be:

· work for or with friends of the family

· ask local businesses

· ask classmates if they have extra work or a big job to do

· work for parents or relatives

· go door knocking in your area

Workday provides a good opportunity to develop work habits, show pride as an individual and in the school by displaying positive attitudes like effort, organisation, skills, commitment and manners.

Students who are unable to obtain work are expected to attend school on the Workday for supervised study in the library between 8:30am-3:00pm.

The support of parents is a vital ingredient. Please encourage your child to reach or exceed the target and play their part as a student at Riccarton High School.