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Correct Uniform

RHS Senior Leadership Team —

We are proud of our uniform and wearing it correctly with pride demonstrates respect for our Riccarton Way. All students must wear full and correct uniform at school, to and from school and when representing the school.

We are noticing a number of students attending school wearing incorrect footwear. While we appreciate that parents and caregivers may have just purchased footwear for their child, going forward, when it comes time to replace your child's shoes, we would like to ensure there is no ambiguity surrounding the guidelines for the correct school footwear. 

School shoes are to be plain, black leather. Sports shoes are only to be worn during physical education and sports activities. An example of the correct footwear options are displayed below.

Correct RHS footwear
Correct RHS footwear

Footwear is to be plain, black, full leather, with no brand imaging visible (i.e. the Nike tick).

Along with the regulation plain black, closed-toe, leather shoes that students are required to wear, we also allow black or brown roman sandals to be worn during these two terms. However, it is imperative to note that any students who have Food Technology, classes in our Science labs or Workshop, must have a pair of black, closed-toe, leather shoes to put on for these subjects. This is a health and safety requirement and must be adhered to at all times.

Example of Roman Sandals

Example of incorrect footwear.
Example of incorrect footwear

If a student temporarily cannot meet the uniform requirements, they must report to Student Services before school and will be required to bring a signed note from their parent/caregiver. This note must be given to our staff in the Student Services Office before school begins. We will endeavour to provide the item however, if we cannot a uniform pass will be issued. When a student does not have a signed note, Student Services will telephone parents/caregivers.

If a student is seen wearing a non-uniform item without a pass, it will be confiscated and the student will be able to collect the item from Student Services at the end of the day. If the item is confiscated for a second time, a parent/caregiver will be required to come and collect the item. The items we are having the most issues with are hoodies and non-regulation jackets.

We appreciate that the weather is becoming significantly colder and to ensure our students stay toasty warm, students can wear:

  • Jersey or cardigan (sweatshirts and hoodies are not part of our uniform)
  • Blazer
  • School uniform jacket with school crest
  • School scarf (which is purchased from the Riccarton High School office)
  • A plain navy blue or black beanie
  • Black or navy tights under skirts
  • School trousers

Some students choose to wear layers under their school uniform for extra warmth, remembering that garments worn under the school uniform must not be visible. Cotton t-shirts are not warm, instead students need to be wearing thermals/poly-props.

Our uniform requirements, and how to purchase uniform are available at https://www.riccarton.school.nz/enrolment/uniform/. These can be purchased online or in-store at NZ Uniforms, 455 Blenheim Road, with the exception of the school scarf, which is purchased via our school office.

Thank you very much for your support.