Sally Blake — Jun 24, 2019

Wow term two is almost done and what a busy term it has been...

We have had some fantastic displays in the library this term.  Check out the photos below.  Follow us on our RHS Library Instagram page to see new displays when they go up, and find out what is happening in the Library. 

Matariki sessions have been going for a couple of weeks and there are a lot more events planned to celebrate.  Check out the photo below from one of our library Matariki sessions.  There are wonderful Matariki events on at the Arts Centre and at Christchurch City Libraries.

Is English your second language?  Would you like an opportunity to practise your English in a warm, safe, friendly environment? How about popping along to the Library on Thursdays, 11am-12 noon,  to join Culture Connect.  Each week a small group of people meet who would like to improve their English.  It is free and anyone is welcome to pop along.

If you are looking for other groups where you can practise your English, how about one of the craft groups in the Library.   A friendly craft group meets in the library cafe every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  New members are always welcome, and there are wool and knitting needles available if you would like to learn.

Do you struggle with technology?  Would you like to know how to email photos from your phone or print recipes from online magazines?  Why not pop into one of the GenConnect sessions, on every Thursday from 1pm - 2pm in the Library.  Techie students are always on hand to help with phones, laptops, iPads and the like, plus it is free.

Have you checked out the Mobile Discovery Wall at the Library? It is a mini version of the one at the main library in town and is amazing and definitely worth a visit.  You can add comments, photos and videos.  Check out pictures from the street where you live, or lived.