Sally Blake — Sep 19, 2017

Riccy has his holiday reading sorted, have you?

Stuck for what to read? Check out these great book lists, or pop in and see one of the Librarians to suss out what might be a good read in the holidays. We have books of every shape and size on pretty well every subject, and if we don't have it we can more than likely get it. 

If English isn't your first language, we have books, magazines and newspapers in many different languages available to borrow. Just ask any of the Librarians, and they can help you find what you are looking for.

Remember the Library is free for anyone.

Wondering what to do in the holidays?

In the holidays the Library doesn't close, so there are heaps of activities to keep you busy, or if you need a break from study, or if you are babysitting your little brother and sister. Come build an igloo, make bunting and decorate the library, get creative with the photo booth, or do some 3D tinkering.
Check out all the happenings right here on your doorstep in the Library.

Exciting things are happening in the city, and one of them is the new Central Library being built in the Square. The City Library would like to know what young people would like to see going on in the new library. You can have your say by filling in this survey. Complete the survey and be in to win $100 worth of Westfield vouchers.

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori was recently celebrated at school and in the Library. School children from Our Lady of Victories and Riccarton Primary came along to te reo sessions organised and run by Riccarton High students. Students enjoyed waiata, te reo Māori songs and stories, and activities.

GenConnect continues to be popular with the Community and featured in the latest issue of Huraina, a Christchurch City Libraries publication. GenConnect happens every Wednesday lunchtime and sees Riccarton High School students helping members of the public with their smart phones, tablets, ipads and laptops. Anyone can come along and get some techie help from the students. See page nine of Huraina for the article.