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Library News

Sally Blake —

Pictured above is our wonderful group of library helpers for 2021. They do an awesome job helping with general library service work, homework tutoring, GenConnect and library duty. We couldn’t do all the great things we do without them. A big thank your to all.

Information around using the Library at Orange can be found here https://my.christchurchcitylibraries.com/news/coronavirus-information/

Because we are a Joint Use Library, a School Library as well as a Public Library, Riccarton High School students DO NOT need to show a vaccination passport to use the Library. Students do have to contact trace and wear a mask in the main part of the Library.


Esports has been a big success this year at Riccarton High School with two teams competing in the National High School competition, playing League of Legends. The teams played against other high school teams from all over New Zealand. 

Next year we will be doing the same so if you are keen to join, pop in to the computer room in the Library after school any Wednesday and check it out.

A massive thank you to Christchurch City Libraries for getting this off the ground and to Sports Canterbury who have donated the most amazing gaming mice and keyboards. 


Tell us about what you read this summer in three words, enter the draw and be in to win cool prizes! Christchurch City Libraries wants to know what kids and teens 0-18 are reading over the holidays. We have cool prizes from PB Tech, Riverside Market, Pool and Hydroslide passes, audiobooks and so much more. Pick up a form from the library or enter online as many times as you would like. Not sure what to read? Come and have a chat to the librarians, we love to talk about books. https://my.christchurchcitylibraries.com/summertime-reading-club/