Annie King — May 23, 2017

Education is personalised for our learners in the Kohanga Ako, and students use a plethora of digital devices to suit their learning needs: chrome books, laptops, iPads, tablets, phones etc. 

This also aids differentiation in the classroom; for example the same Maths app being used at different levels. Students with Dysgraphia or other writing difficulties can complete a written assignment without huge anxieties of having to write it down.

‘Seesaw’', a new interactive learning journal, has been introduced to students and parents this year. Students put their ‘wow’ work on Seesaw and it is digitally displayed so their parents and whanau can not only see, but also can comment on their work.

Also in the department, we have an interactive whiteboard that students use for Maths and Literacy in particular. The abstract becomes real when using a giant touch screen to move blocks or solve a puzzle right in front of the student.

Through different mediums, the student has the opportunity to learn the material that the teacher has given and gain a better and fuller understanding of the material.

Kohanga Ako has moved slowly but purposefully towards blended learning. We have looked at exactly what we are implementing and why.

The student is always first and technology is a supplemental resource. It is about integrating technology and using it to enhance our learners experiences to succeed the best way they can.