Sally Blake — Nov 5, 2019

Riccarton High are National Champions.

A keen team of RHS readers from 9HY, travelled to Dulwich School in Auckland and took out the Year 9 Readers Cup National title. Competing against schools from all around New Zealand, students - Lara Stevens, Sam Dowrick, George Grundy and Michael Lu, were tasked with reading six books and were then quizzed on them extensively.  Our students did and incredible job against some tough competition and came away triumphant.  Well done.

A massive thank you to all our wonderful student library service helpers for 2019. We couldn't do all the great stuff in the library without your help.  Students helped with homework club, GenConnect, library work, displays, shelving, finding lost books, craft, holiday programmes and much more. 

NCEA exams are upon us and Learning Centre 3 is booked out for senior study every week day 8.30am - 5.30pm. Check out the Library for NCEA study guides and the website for more great study resources.

Wondering what to read when you get some down time? Check out the latest RHS Book Club book list or the Christchurch City Library Teen Reviews. Read seven books and we will give you a Hells Pizza wheel for a free pizza.