David McKenzie — Mar 8, 2016

The Kokiri programme for 2016 is up and running. Four Year 10 classes have already travelled across to the West Coast and stayed at the Lodge.

The facilities at Kokiri are looking great. Thanks must go out to the junior students who raised funds late last year by participating in the student work day. We were able to purchase a new commercial freezer, heavy duty washing machine and new safety helmets for the activities. Thanks also to the 2015 prefects who donated a commercial chiller. 

We are fortunate to have Zanna Hammat return in the role of Chief Instructor and welcome Rebecca Dent, Kyle Storey and Alex McHugh, our Kokiri instructors.

Work parties are essential to enable Riccarton High School to maintain this facility in good condition. In 2015: the student bathrooms were painted and updated, the water storage tank capacity doubled, spouting was replaced, and the grounds around the buildings tidied and general maintenance done. We envisage holding a work party mid-year and will be asking for helpers through one of these newsletters.

The Kokiri experience is one that many of our students remember long after their time at RHS, we are very fortunate to have this as part of our school and value the support we receive from our families, teachers, PTA and the wider Riccarton community.