Mr Neil Haywood, Principal — Mar 28, 2023

It is hard to believe that Term one is almost over. A big thank you to parents, caregivers and students for your support as we have navigated ourselves through what has been an incredibly busy ten weeks.

I am immensely proud of the fact that so many of our students continue to achieve wonderful things across a wide range of academic, arts, sporting and cultural pursuits. In terms of service, the most recent highlight has been the fantastic response to our Workday, not only by the students themselves, but also by members of our school and the wider community who got behind the cause with many offering employment for the day. Our initial target was to raise $10,000.00 for the Cyclone Gabrielle relief effort. At the time of writing my comments, we have reached an incredible $19,000.00!

Ka mau te wehi! What an amazing result and what commitment by so many of our students!

Year 9 Camps

The start of Term 2 will see our Year 9 classes head to our Outdoor Education Facility at Orohaki for 2.5 days. These camps are not only an essential part of the New Zealand Curriculum, but also provide an opportunity to learn more about the Riccarton Way in an outdoor setting. We are very lucky to have an exciting programme delivered by 4 professional adult instructors in addition to Peer Support leaders and a teacher accompanying each class. These camps build on the rich and diverse culture of our school and create long-lasting memories and experiences. We encourage you to ensure that your child gets involved in this unique opportunity.

School Uniform

As we head into the colder months of the year, a reminder about what are acceptable items of school uniform, not only within the school but also to and from school each day. You will find a list of our uniform requirements here. We would be grateful for parent support to encourage your teenager to wear the correct uniform. Thank you for your support.

Enjoy this newsletter full of individual success stories, talented students and dedicated staff that make Riccarton High School the vibrant learning community that it is. I wish you all the best for a great Easter and I hope that you all get to enjoy some valuable family time.

Ngā mihi nui

Neil Haywood