Kate Rowlands — Aug 6, 2020

The much anticipated resumption of school sport at the end of Term 2 has been met with enthusiasm and excitement by our students with large numbers participating across a range of sports. It has been great to see our senior students stepping up to the challenge of coaching and umpiring as well as the support shown at our home games.

After the initial disappointment of many tournaments being cancelled due to Covid-19 some of the regional sporting bodies have adapted and we now have teams entered in tournaments during week 7 of this term for winter tournament week.

We wish all those involved in these events the very best and look forward to hearing about them in the future.

Lastly, we would like to say a huge thank you to all our volunteers who make sport possible in the school. The parents, staff, students and community members who give their time to coach, manage, umpire/ref, transport and support our athletes are highly valued and we truly appreciate all that you do. Thank you!

For some inspiration watch this!


Image by: Sam Duffield