by David Tapp

Visit from our Japanese sister school

Anne JacquesAugust 16, 2017

This Term, in weeks 2 and 3, we welcomed 16 students and two teachers from Takefu Higashi High School – our sister school in Japan. 

We have had a long relationship with Takefu Higashi. We visit them with our students every two years, and they return the visit every two years. This year it was our turn to host, but we have our return visit already planned for the April holidays next year.

The Japanese students enjoyed a home stay for the week they were with us, and we arranged a variety of classes and excursions for them. 

The visit began with a pōwhiri from our strong kapahaka, and included a visit to the whare to learn the stories of Riccarton, a cooking class, various Japanese classes (strangely, our guests excelled here) and English classes. 

Mr Huggins came out of retirement to help Ito-sensei with the mini-buses, so our guests were also able to visit Willowbank, go up the gondola and wander through Hagley Park to the museum.

In their home stays, their generous hosts introduced them to various kiwi delights. (Unaccountably, they do not seem to like marmite!). 

The home stays are the most authentic part of their visit, and the part the students will remember most. The real connections they made with our students were evident at the sayonara party and at the airport, when hugs were exchanged and tears shed.

Some of our students will meet them again next year when we return the visit. We are lucky to have such an established programme for our students to enjoy. 

Thanks, as always, to the students and teachers who assisted in this programme, and especially to the generosity and hospitality of our host families, without whom the exchange would not be possible.

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