by Amie Blackwell

Emergency Procedures

The school has a clear set of evacuation procedures to follow in the event of an emergency e.g. fire or earthquake. These are practised at least once a term.

When an evacuation signal is sounded, staff will move students out to the designated assembly area on the playing fields outside the Whare ako. There, rolls are checked and students accounted for.

If a decision is made to close the school:

  • A text message will go out to parents notifying them of the event and requesting that they pick up the students or give permission for the child to be released to go to their home or that of a friend or relative.
  • Year 13 class leaders will be asked to stay with their Year 9 class until all the students have gone.

Students are to remain at school until either:

  • Parents report to the control point on the field to collect children.
  • Parents can phone or text their child’s mobile phone giving permission for their son/daughter to go home or a designated rendezvous point. These must be approved by the Whanau teacher/Dean and details will be recorded on the class roll.
  • Parents can also give permission for students to go with friends to their homes. This must be approved by Whanau teacher/Dean and details will be recorded on the class roll.

All international students must report to the International Student Director before they leave the school grounds.