Hero photograph
Photo by Jordan Jefferis

Importance of Punctuality

Jordan Jefferis —

Lateness at Rolleston College

The school day begins promptly at 8:50am. The school music goes at 8:45am and classes start at 8:50am. This means that all learners are expected to be at school with enough time to be seated in class and ready to learn by 8:50am.

We understand that there are some unavoidable instances that can cause a learner to be late, i.e public buses. If this is the case for your child and it is a recurring reason please communicate this with their Ako/Advisory coach so that the school is aware and can best support your child. If it is a one off you need to notify the school as you would for any other absence.

In all other instances if a learner is late to school the Ako/Advisory coach will have a conversation with the learner and contact home after the first instance of being late. If it occurs again the learner will accompany their Ako/Advisory coach on their break time duty as a consequence.