Leaders Spotlight

Leanne Croucher —

There have been a lot of exciting things happening in Rolleston College around leadership so far this term.

One of the exciting ways we are trying to encourage across school connections between our junior and senior school is by hosting our celebrations in Whanau. We have had multiple celebrations this term and this layout seems to be really effective. It's a great chance for the senior school to touch base with our younger learners and build stronger foundations within our four Whanau.

Another exciting across school event that's currently underway is our whanau Big Sing competition. Big Sing is one of our special whanau competitions as it involves the entire school. Each year we see whanau go crazy with costumes, lyrics and themes in an attempt to come out on top. The theme this year is Disney and our Whanau ambassadors and Whanau captains have been working hard to pick their songs and holding weekly practice sessions. The Competition will happen early in term 3 and we are very excited to see our Whanau groups go head to head in competing for the points that will go towards the end of year trophy. Currently our whanau points are as follows : NGH - 110, RMT - 95, KNG - 86 & HTK - 73. All the whanau are very close in points with Ngahuru only taking a small lead by 15 points! Big Sing is a critical competition that gives the winning whanau a significant advantage for the rest of the year.

We are very excited for what is ahead in our 2021 school year as our college continues to grow and what our leaders will be organising in the future.

Also starting next week, each Tuesday at morning tea our Head students will be hanging out in the plaza. Any student who wants to hang out, play games or talk come and see us.

Written by Alexandra Ward - Head Student