Hero photograph
Photo by Leanne Croucher

Board of Trustees “Student” Election

Leanne Croucher —

In September, students across New Zealand have the opportunity to join their schools Board as a Student Trustees by standing for and voting in the September Student Representative Elections. Standing for election or voting for their student representative is often the first real experience young people have of participating in a democratic process.

As a Board we understand the value of Student Trustees sharing their real-world experiences, viewpoints and knowledge to influence better outcomes for both our learners and the broader school community. As well as having a voice on how our school is governed, student representatives have equal standing, voice, accountabilities and voting rights on the Board.

The official Call for Nominations is now open and learners will have an opportunity in the coming weeks to stand for office or nominate with their permission another learner for the Rolleston College Board of Trustees. If you are interested in becoming a Student Representative we encourage you to check out the latest Student Representative Voice Video, visit www.trustee-election.co.nz or contact Mrs Hooper (elections@rollestoncollege.nz) for more information.

While the idea of being a young person on a school board might seem daunting, student representatives get plenty of help and support to learn about and fulfil their role. The Board, alongside the New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) provides support, training and learning opportunities, guidance and resources.

Image by: Leanne Croucher