Leanne Croucher - June 8, 2022
This term in R2L we are promoting online safety and making the right decisions online. During Ako and Advisory in our “What’s up in Rolleston Spirit strand” we are learning about the Harmful Digital Communications Act and how learners can use the Rolleston Spirit and their Character strengths while they are using digital communications.
“The Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 (the Act) tackles some of the ways people use technology to hurt others.” - NZ Police
“The Harmful Digital Communications Act (HDCA) was passed in 2015 to help people dealing with serious or repeated harmful digital communications. It lays out 10 communication principles that guide how to communicate online.” - Netsafe
Learners are unpacking what this Act is and how the principles relate to the world we live in. We encourage you to discuss with your learners at home what they have been learning.
For further information you can visit these websites:
Check out this video made by the R2L captains about what it means to learners to be R2L at Rolleston College.
A part of being R2L - being Ready to Learn is wearing the correct school uniform. This shows we are proud of our kura and creates a sense of belonging. As we move into the colder months we would like to remind learners and their whānau of the uniform we have to keep warm. These are the school polar fleeces, softshell jackets or grey knitted jerseys. Hoodies/crew necks of any colour are not part of our school uniform.
Learners may wear black/navy tights/stockings and we also have school regulation navy pants. Learners can also wear black/navy thermals/long sleeved tops underneath their polos/shirts. If you need any support with uniform items please contact your child’s Ako or Advisory coach.