Hero photograph
Photo by Simon Moriarty

Staff Contacts

Simon Moriarty —

Please refer to the list of Rolleston School Staff email addresses that you may need to contact during this time.

Classroom Teachers: Your first point of contact for any learning or wellbeing questions, comments or concerns

Team Rata

Marion Young & Melissa Upperton: marion.young@rolleston.school.nz or melissa.upperton@rolleston.school.nz

Ceridwen Goodwin: ceridwen.goodwin@rolleston.school.nz

Kirsten McCormack: kirsten.mccormack@rolleston.school.nz

Nicole Greenwood: nicole.greenwood@rolleston.school.nz

Felicia Fee: felicia.fee@rolleston.school.nz

Lesley Debenham: lesley.debenham@rolleston.school.nz

Team Kowhai

Mel Falkingham: melanie.falkingham@rolleston.school.nz

Jane Baugh: jane.baugh@rolleston.school.nz

Michelle Hill: michelle.hill@rolleston.school.nz

Kathie Pareanga: kathie.pareanga@rolleston.school.nz

Team Totara

Alison Twentyman: alison.twentyman@rolleston.school.nz

Nicola Leggett: nicola.leggett@rolleston.school.nz

Georgia Tuatini: georgia.tuatini@rolleston.school.nz

Wayne Eddy: wayne@rolleston.school.nz

Jess Gray: jessica.gray@rolleston.school.nz

Emma Goodall: emma.goodall@rolleston.school.nz

Linley Thomas: linley.thomas@rolleston.school.nz

Team Pohutukawa

Emma Woolford 8B4: emma.woolford@rolleston.school.nz

Tineke Schat 8B1: tineke.schat@rolleston.school.nz

Aroha Weaver 8B2: aroha.weaver@rolleston.school.nz

Rhian Bambry 8B3: rhian.bambry@rolleston.school.nz

Ellie Stuckey 8B6: ellie.stuckey@rolleston.school.nz

Jordan Shallcrass 8B7: jordan.shallcrass@rolleston.school.nz

Barb Thompson 8B5: barb.thompson@rolleston.school.nz

Team Kahikatea

Annameika Jack: anna-meika.jack@rolleston.school.nz

Ruth Duke-Norris: ruth.duke-norris@rolleston.school.nz

Brad Lenko: brad.lenko@rolleston.school.nz

Melanie McKeich-Hambleton: melanie.mckeich@rolleston.school.nz

Andrew Boaz: andrew.boaz@rolleston.school.nz

Katie Pratt: katie.pratt@rolleston.school.nz

Katherine Heaphy: katherine.heaphy@rolleston.school.nz

Team Leaders: Your second point of contact for any learning or wellbeing questions, comments or concerns

Team Rata: Ceridwen Goodwinceridwen.goodwin@rolleston.school.nz

Team Kowhai - Mel Falkingham: melanie.falkingham@rolleston.school.nz

Team Totara: Alison Twentymanalison.twentyman@rolleston.school.nz

Team Pohutukawa: Emma Woolford - emma.woolford@rolleston.school.nz

Team Kahikatea:   Annameika Jack - anna-meika.jack@rolleston.school.nz

Administration - 
key contacts for any administrative or financial questions, comments or concerns  

Principal & Office Administrator: Sarah Tucker - admin@rolleston.school.nz

Office Administrator: Jo Clarke - office@rolleston.school.nz

Bursar: Jimmi Anderson - bursar@rolleston.school.nz

Wellbeing Support  Co-ordinator- key contact if you wish to discuss any wellbeing questions, comments or concerns you may have.

SENCO: Paula Montofre - paula.montofre@rolleston.school.nz  

Learning Support Co-ordinator - key contact if you wish to discuss any additional learning support questions, comments or concerns you may have. These are usually students & whānau who are currently working with our Learning Support Co-ordinator.

Learning Support Co-ordinator: Juan Shalfoon - lsc@rolleston.school.nz 

Senior Management

Principal: Simon Moriarty - principal@rolleston.school.nz

Deputy Principal: Darryn Aitchison - darryn.aitchison@rolleston.school.nz

Deputy Principal: Chris Swanson - chris.swanson@rolleston.school.nz

Board of Trustees

BOT Chairperson: Megan Harlick - chairperson@rolleston.school.nz