Hero photograph
A collage of the year 10 readers
Photo by Ellen Walsh

Scripture Reading Competition

Rose Struthers —

A proud tradition at Roncalli continues early in 2019

This year our Junior Religious Education department decided to hold the scripture reading competition earlier in the year. Thank you to Sister Diana Thomas  and Rose for judging. Sister was delighted to hear our talented young people reading the various readings with such reverence, sincerity and confidence.  The competition was of a very high standard, congratulations to all of the students who represented their classes, everyone of you did an exceptional job.

Picutred are the Year 9 Finalists: Abby O'Brien,  Molly Phillips, Sam Fauth, Jai Crowe, Mia Daly, Molly Sargent, Daniel Demdam and Olivia Piddington. Congratulations to Jai Crowe from 9O who was placed first.

Year 9 Scripture Reading finalists with judges Sister Diana Thomas and Rose Struthers — Image by: Jo Bennett

Below is a picture of the Year 10 finalists:  Brendan Chenier, April Manson, Sheridan Ioane, Lucy Betts, Kiki Tauri, Petelo Faha and Krishna Sridhar. Congratulations to Krishna Sridhar from 10M who was placed first.

The year 10 representatives in the Scripture Reading competition — Image by: Rose Struthers