Hero photograph
Tavite Waqaiti - Hayden Tait Building
Photo by Marian Mehrtens

Gateway Profile - Tavite Waqaliti

Marian Mehrtens —

My work placement is with Hayden Tait Building

Before starting Gateway this year I was kinda lost on what I wanted to do.  The careers I researched were plumbing, electrician and building. I did a taster day in plumbing but it wasn't my type of job, but when I did building I was hooked. There were lots of things to do to get me engaged and I didn't get bored. The jobs are all different and in different places so there is some traveling involved.

During my work experience I have been doing wall insulation, joinery, screwing joints and roofing joints and a bit of concrete layering.

I am registered with BCITO and have theory work to do in the classroom and practical tasks to do in the workplace.  The BCITO training advisor visits me at school and in the workplace to assess my work.

I would really like to start an apprenticeship if I can get a working visa so that I can learn and get paid