Marian Mehrtens — May 3, 2022

My plan for taking Gateway was to be able to get out and do building to gain more experience. I have been building for the last few years with a range of different companies during the school holidays.

 I have researched other careers but have not done taster days for them as they did not interest me as much.

The industry I have chosen is building. I met with Mrs Mehrtens and am now doing my work placement with Gallagher Trade Building. The job involves a range of work. On my most recent work experience day I was putting up gib. The Learning Plan under BCITO that I am doing involves a work placement diary and 5 assessments, both are on the app I have been set up on. I get assessed by completing the assessment on my phone, it gets marked and from there a BCITO assessor comes into school and goes over it with me. My plans for next year / the end of the year is hopefully to be able to get signed up into an apprenticeship and from there become a qualified carpenter. My advice for any future students taking Gateway would be to take every opportunity to get out on a work placement.