Hero photograph
Photo by Rose Struthers

Dates to Remember for Term 2

Mark Pribis —

We're looking forward to having more interactions with our community in Term 2. One of our goals is to continue to offer as many opportunities to our students to have a well rounded education.

The following are some dates to remember for Term 2

  • by 7 May - Attitude to Learning (ATL) reports for all students will be available on KAMAR for students, parents and caregivers to view.

  • 11 May - Senior Conferencing - Senior parents will be invited to sign up for conferencing during week 1. Junior students will undertake remote learning on this day.

  • 15 May - Open Day - This is an important day for the College, where students get to show their school to others. Open Day is considered a school day as the day is counted towards the extra week of holidays during the winter break. Students sign up for roles and responsibilities on the day.

  • 18 May - FlexDay begins for Year 12 and 13. More details will be given in the College Newsletter

  • 18 May - St. Kevin’s Exchange for sports teams, to be held in Oamaru

  • 20 May - Ministry of Education Accord Day (Teacher only day) - The College is not open for instruction on this day.

  • 3 June - Kāhui Ako Teacher only Day

  • 6 June - Queen’s Birthday Weekend - public holiday

  • 7 June (TBC) - Junior Conferencing - Parents will be invited to sign up for conferencing in week 5. More information will be coming.

  • 24 June - Matariki - public holiday

While we are expecting COVID case numbers to decrease we will still monitor our staff and students having to isolate.  If your student has to isolate or catches COVID please notify the school (principal@roncalli.school.nz).  

To ensure we will minimize the number of staff and students out at any given time, we will still wear masks indoors at school and minimize the number of large gatherings indoors following the guidance of the orange traffic light system.