Marian Mehrtens — Jul 21, 2019


In Gateway this year I researched careers in building, plumbing and turf management. I trialed work experience taster days with Gallagher Trade Building, Breen Plumbing and Turf Services. I chose Building for my weekly placement as it has been something I have been keen and interested in from a young age. My workplace is Gallagher Trade Building

This job involved working the life of a builder with early starts and big days. This was something I enjoyed as the days were very enjoyable and went very fast. I worked with an awesome bunch of guys who were always there to help, but also let me be independent in the jobs I did. Some of the jobs included - being a helping hand for others onsite by getting tools, shifting materials or small individual jobs such as nailing and screwing, marking and cutting ,using power tools and taping etc. I was lucky enough to spend most of my days on a new build site in Tekapo. It was really cool to see and experience all the processes involved in building a house. I also got to spend time working on smaller renovations in homes and businesses, it was good to get a range of experience. All the workers were all very social and interactive which created a very positive environment.

I am registered with BCITO, I have completed a number of unit standards that count towards NCEA level 2.  The assessments are theory based and I completed them in Gateway class at school. I have passed all standards and this has made a big difference towards me achieving NCEA level 2.

In 2020 I am hoping to take up a Building Apprenticeship.