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Roncalli College

by Ellen Walsh

Well being support over the holiday break.

Ellen Walsh - June 21, 2021

The Roncalli College Well Being Centre will be closed over the holiday break.

If you have any concerns for a young person during this time the following local options are available:

Free counselling sessions:

Adventure Development

Referrals can be made by completing this online form:

Family Works.

26 North Street, Timaru Central, Timaru 7910

Phone: 03-688 5029

Text counselling.

Text 1737. A trained counselor is available 24 hours a day.

Emergency/crisis support.

Call 111 or the Triage and Crisis Team (TACT)

Phone: 0800 277 997

We hope you have a safe an enjoyable break and look forward to seeing you in Term 3.

The Roncalli College Well Being Team

Ellen, Ashley, Ginny and Jane.