Belinda Leckie — Jul 31, 2020

Five questions with NCEA Level 3 Excellence student, Jessica Guiney

What subjects are you studying this year? French, History, Religious Education, Statistics, Physical Education and Biology

How did you organise your studies during Level 4? I did the online zoom classes in the morning, then had a break for lunch and continued to study in the afternoon. Then I did some exercise and went out onto the farm to give myself a break. I kept a good balance between doing school work and having time with my family.

What is your favourite subject and why? My favourite subject is Religious Education because I think the things we learn in RE are such valuable and important life lessons for the future.

What advice would you give any students striving for Excellence? I would say keep a good balance, making sure you make time for yourself as well as your school work.

What are your plans for next year? I am planning on going to Otago University to do teaching. I haven't decided what subjects or courses to do yet.