Kelly O'Driscoll, BOT Chairperson — May 12, 2020

It is times like this that challenge us and make us stronger, as well as make you appreciate the wonderful people we have around us

The Roncalli College Board of Trustees would like to acknowledge the wonderful work done by our Principal Chris Comeau, his senior leadership team, and the entire Roncalli staff during these unprecedented and challenging times.

It has forced us all, with very little warning, to change, adapt and reprioritise our habits and routines as we navigate this crisis. I would like to especially thank all the staff for quickly adapting their teaching programmes to an on-line format. I know this presented a few challenges.

As school resumes under L2, our primary focus needs to remain on the wellbeing of all our students. We must ensure that we support them academically while also providing the necessary pastoral support. I know the school is well placed to offer tis support.

I have appreciated the regular social media updates for families and the community. They have kept our community connected, well informed, and engaged.

Finally, a big thank you must go out to all the parents and caregivers for supporting students with their remote learning and keeping them engaged from home. That is no easy task.

To the students, I commend you for remaining positive, supporting each other, and adapting to a new style of learning. You have perhaps learned more than you realise.

It is times like these that challenge us, make us stronger, and help us appreciate the wonderful people we have around us.