Hero photograph
Digital Devices
Photo by pixabay.com


Andrew Jones —


Whilst students are allowed to bring cellphones to school, a laptop is the desired device for students to bring to class in support of their learning. With digital exams on the horizon, students need to be able to access a device with a separate keyboard to refine their ability to type efficiently. In addition, use of a larger screen prevents stress on eyes and enables students to make best use of the digital tools used at the College.

CELLPHONES ARE NOT A REQUIREMENT AT RONCALLI. These items are for personal use and may only be used in lessons for classroom activities at the invitation and discretion of the teacher. Messages and phone calls should not be answered during class time and we would expect parents to respect this time as dedicated to learning; there is plenty of time to answer messages at interval and lunchtimes. Any issues of urgency should be directed to the College Office.If a student is unable to comply with these requests, they can expect the following to occur:

  • the student will surrender their phone at the request of the teacher to be placed on the teacher's desk, to be returned at the end of the period.
  • should the issue persist in subsequent lessons, the phone will be confiscated for the rest of the day and the student can collect their phone from the College Office. Parents will also be contacted by the classroom teacher to discuss the issue.
  • if the student continue to transgress, the phone will be confiscated and a parent/caregiver will be expected to come to the Office to pick up the phone.

Andrew Jones
Deputy Principal