Marian Mehrtens — Aug 21, 2019


At the start of the gateway course, I did three taster days. The first one I did was at Barrett Joinery out at Washdyke, the second day I had was at Masterchill and the last taster day I tried was at Plunket Electrical.

After my three taster days I decided to go with being an electrician and luckily ended up back with Plunket Electrical for my permanent placement. When working with Plunket Electrical I do a lot of small jobs whether it is changing some lights or putting some new plugs in a building. I can't work on any big sites at the moment as most of them would require me to be inducted and to complete a site safety course to be able to work there. The work that I can do is to help change lights and run new cables for plugs/lights. I am allowed to wire a plug/switch but all work has to be checked over by my supervisor.

I am signed up with Skills Organisation which gives me plenty of theory units that I complete in my gateway class at school. All of my assessments get sent away to a Skills Organisation registered assessor, the credits count towards an electrical apprenticeship.

My plans for next year are that if I find an apprenticeship with a company I will take it, but if not I will go to Polytech and do a pre-trade course there.