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Jamie Fitzgerald - Graham Taylor Electrical
Photo by Marian Mehrtens

Gateway Profile - Jamie Fitzgerald

Marian Mehrtens —


Some careers I researched and taster days I tried were electrical, auto electrical and mechanical. For my taster days I went to Bright Sparks, Stans Auto Electrical and Timaru Motors to help get a better idea of what area of work I would like to do.

I have chosen to do electrical as that was what I enjoy doing the most. I have been placed with Graham Taylor Electrical where I go each Thursday. What I do when I go for work experience is normally helping get all the tools needed for the job, sweeping up after we have finished, or laying out the wire while wiring a new shed or house. This can change each week as each job I have done has been different.

I am registered with Skills Organisation ITO which gives me booklets to complete that helps me to understand electrical-based problems. The units of work are practical and they can count towards an apprenticeship in the long run, they are specifically designed for someone coming down this line of work. We get given the booklets and worksheets to fill out then once completed hand in to Mrs. Mehrtens who then sends them away to get marked.

My plan for next year is to hopefully go to Ara to do a pre-trade electrical course to help me get started with an apprenticeship the following year. If I was to give advice to future Gateway students it would be not rush your decision and to be as open-minded as possible when choosing a path to go down.