Marian Mehrtens — Jun 7, 2021

I have now started an apprenticeship with Mark Smith Building and have begun working towards my carpentry qualification.

I began my work experience with the Gateway Programme at the start of 2021, I was hoping to enter into the building sector. 

Luckily I was able to experience this career with three different companies. I quickly developed good working relationships leading to two apprenticeship opportunities.  

I left school at the beginning of Term 2 and have been with Mark Smith Building full time for over a month now working on a variety of projects and building sites learning new skills on the job. 

During my Gateway time I learnt a lot about working in this field and confirmed that this was the career I wanted to continue with. The Gateway Programme is a great way for anybody to experience the working world and decide if this is the path they would like to take in the future. 

With the support of Gateway I have been able to find my future career path and feel confident that I will succeed in the future.