Hero photograph
Olivia Lawrence - Coonoor Farm
Photo by Marian Mehrtens

Gateway Profile - Olivia Lawrence

Marian Mehrtens —

Gateway has given me an opportunity to meet new people and explore different career options.

Gateway is a good option if you don't necessarily know what you want to do after school and want insight to different career options you might never get to experience. You choose options that you are interested in and can go into a workplace that you enjoy learning about. My first taster day was with Vetlife.  Some of the tasks involved cleaning, and observing operations. My second taster was at Coonoor Farm. Some of the tasks involved feeding and drafting stock. This is my current placement where I go for 1 day every week. In class I am busy completing a Telford Unit Standard involving knowledge of livestock behaviour and animal welfare.  I would recommend Gateway to future students who are interested in gaining work experience while still in school.