Roncalli PTA Annual General Meeting
Roncalli PTA Annual General Meeting, Monday 27 March, 7pm, Room 26, all welcome.
A note from the PTA
The PTA once again wishes to thank the many helpers and supporters of last years College Fair.We are very pleased to announce a profit of $25,578.97 (yet to be audited). The funds are raised to support the students in their learning at College and this year we are making a significant contribution to the library refurbishment.
Please come along to our AGM with general meeting to follow if you would like to join the PTA - everyone is welcome.
Joining the PTA is a great way of getting involved in what's happening around the College.
Second hand uniform sale information
Thursday 30 March 2023 6.00pm - 8.00pm & Saturday 1 April 2023 10.00am - 12.00pm
- By Appointment only
- Please TXT Caroline on 021 0277 1698 and include your name, brief outline of what you are looking for and which day and time you prefer
- Caroline will TXT you back to confirm an appointment time and day
You can find the second hand uniform room in the Annexe attached to the Presbytery.
Drive into the Roncalli gymnasium carpark and look to the right, you will see a Roncalli flag out to indicate where we are.
The preferred method of payment is internet banking but cash is also accepted.
The College would like to acknowledge the support of our PTA in providing this valuable service to our community.
Goods for sale can be left at the College office - all Blazers and kilts must be drycleaned and other items of uniform in good condition.