Hero photograph
Photo by Mark Pribis

Welcome back

Mark Pribis —

“It’s not where you get your education, but what you make of it.”

My dad told me when I left home to go to school, “It’s not where you get your education, but what you make of it.” I think what he was trying to tell me was to make the most of the opportunities I had at school and take responsibility for my learning. While at Roncalli the staff works hard to create a good learning environment, student’s will also need to develop habits that help them succeed in school. Some of these habits that will help them be successful include:

  • Be on time. Students should be in their first period class at 8:50 am.

  • Have the proper uniform. Details of the proper uniform can be found in the student handbook.

  • Set a study time to revise every day. Make it phone free and read a book if you don’t have school work to do.

  • Create a study nook. Have one place to study. It may be on the kitchen table, the living room couch, or a desk. Try to find someplace without distractions.

  • Be healthy. Eat right, sleep right, and exercise. Please also note that this year the students are not able to heat food in the Foods room during interval or lunch. Please ensure the your lunches are prepared to eat from home or you may of course purchase food from the Tuck shop.

I'm looking forward to a great  year!

I think of school is similar to running a marathon. Success depends on much more than what happens on the day of the test or race. It is the time that is put in before that determines success.