Hero photograph
The students are using a quadrat to count the specimens in a rock pool. 
Photo by Ashley Herbert

Year 12 Biology field trip to the Rocky Shore

Ashley Herbert —

The Year 12 Biology students visited the Smithfield Rocky Shore to complete the practical component of their current topic.

Monday 24 February was a perfect day for our field trip to the Smithfield rocky shore. We are grateful to have a wonderful resource on our doorstep where our students can continue their learning outside of the classroom. 

Working with Keely Kroening from South Canterbury Museum, our students were able to dissect mussels to learn how these amazing creatures are capable of living in such an active and hostile environment. The students had time to explore the rock pools and were delighted in their findings of crabs, limpets, snails and rock fish to name a few organisms. 

Working in small groups, students completed transects from sea to shore, using quadrats to count samples of two species of molluscs. Other students measured the salt content, temperature and acidity of the rock pools. 

We thank Mrs Lindsey Dickerson for organising the trip, Mrs Mary Jane Konings and Mrs Ashley Herbert for assisting with the transport and activities at the rocky shore.