Hero photograph
Photo by Marian Mehrtens

Gateway Profile - Leo Fotofili

Marian Mehrtens —

In the Gateway class I am doing theory unit standards in barbering which help to understand being a barber and in the workplace there are practical tasks I have to get signed off just like an apprentice.

Before I took Gateway I thought it was good to get into it because my friends said it was good and I wanted to get a taste of what I wanted to do when I leave school. I did my taster days at Fulton Hogan where I looked at road construction, and barbering at Lord of the South.

After these two days I decided to choose barbering at Lord of the South because I really enjoyed it. When I am at work experience I cut hair, sweep the floor and serve customers, I also answer the phone to book clients appointments - I have learnt that it takes a lot of skill to cut hair. When I leave school at the end of the year I would like to be a barber full time at my gateway placement.