Karen Wilson — Sep 24, 2018

Fair Update from the PTA

Preparations are now well underway for the 2018 Fair. We appreciate all the help we get from our school community and we are very fortunate to have so many parents and families that are willing to be involved and support this event – it is the major fundraiser for the year so we want it to be a huge success! It is not too late to offer your help, so please get involved and join in the fun of the day!

Thanks to all those families that have contacted the PTA with offers of help with setting up for the Fair, with helping with stalls on the day, and for donating prizes for raffles and the many other offers of help that have come in. If you have not yet contacted the PTA to indicate ways in which you can help, please  click here.  The flyer that was sent out earlier to families is attached to this article, this provides drop off details for the White Elephant stall and the Silent Auction and also specific details about baking and sweets including the sweets recipes.  

It has always been a tradition at Roncalli that Year 9 & 10 families are asked to provide baking and sweets for the fair, although it is certainly not restricted to Year 9 & 10 – the more the better! Many of you have already offered to help in this way for which we are very grateful. Sweets and baking can be dropped at the foods room from 1pm on Saturday 27 October – it does not need to be packaged up ready for selling because our fabulous sweets stall team can do that – just pop it in a container and drop it off.

Another tradition at Roncalli is that Year 13 families donate items for the grocery raffle. Last year we had a fabulous selection of items in the trolley and we would hope to do even better this year. Please check items for an expiry date before donating them, and a variety of grocery items is appreciated. We want the trolley to look full and impressive, so donate items that you would like to see if you were buying a ticket! There will be a trolley for collection of grocery items at senior conferencing in the gym on Monday 15 October.

Raffle Books – thanks to the many families who have returned raffle books. If you have not yet returned your book, please do so as soon as possible. All books must be accounted for, so even unsold books must be returned. Please save us from having to make a phone call chasing these up!

The winners of the Warehouse vouchers were the Davenport family who won the $100 voucher in the random draw by returning their raffle book by the due date, and most tickets sold was shared by the Lawrence & Steinmann families who each won a $50 voucher.

Thank You.

Roncalli PTA