Marian Mehrtens — Jun 21, 2019

Civil Engineer

Before I started Gateway this year I was keen to get into the workplace and get some hands on experience and that is why I took Gateway . The taster days I went out on were one day doing civil engineering with Rooney Earthmoving, one day doing building at Nolan Building and one day doing civil engineering at the Timaru District Council.  My weekly work placement is in civil engineering at Fulton Hogan. When I am out at my work placement I get to go out with other workers and do bridge inspections, ND Testing which is measuring the density of the ground and putting up road signage. At school I am doing unit standards through an ITO called Connexis, who look after apprenticeships for people doing civil engineering.  Most of my units are practical or require practical work so I will be completing these when I am at work at Fulton Hogan. There are some theory ones as well. Most of my assessments need to be verified by someone in the workplace and then they are sent to Connexis for final marking. My plans for next year are to hopefully get an apprenticeship in the civil engineering industry.