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Pope Francis

Pope Francis calls on Christians worldwide to combat coronavirus pandemic

Adele Churchman —

Bishop Paul has received the attached letter from the Apostolic Nuncio and wishes it to be circulated to our Community.

“In these days of trial, as humanity trembles at the threat of the [coronavirus] pandemic, I would propose that all Christians join their voices together to heaven”  Pope Francis

The Pope announced that he will preside over “a moment of prayer” from the steps of the basilica Saint Peter’s at 6 p.m. Rome time, next Friday, March 27. He said the square would be empty, but he invited people across the world “to participate spiritually” in this prayer which, he explained, would include readings from the Scripture and adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

He invites us to participate through “the means of communication,” that is, by television, radio or social media to spread this message. 

He said that at the end of the prayer service he would give a blessing “Urbi et Orbi” with the Blessed Sacrament. Keen to share God’s mercy to people at this deeply troubling moment in human history, Francis said “the possibility of receiving a plenary indulgence” would be linked to the prayer service.